Saturday, July 5, 2008

The weekend wrap up so far....

So it's 9:00 a.m. and I just can't sleep anymore. I try my hardest to sleep in but usually about 8:00 or 8:30 a.m. I wake up. I've never been one of those that could sleep in 'til noon or 1 in the afternoon. I feel like if I'm sleeping, I'm wasting time I could be doing something productive or fun. Now I think if we had a more comfortable bed with huge fluffy pillows and a flat screen, I would probably be more enticed to stay. Oh well!
July 4th was a blast!!! We woke up around 10 a.m., ate some breakfast, and decided to go to the pool for a little bit. We get there take one look at the water and decided we better just sit and imagine what it would be like to be enjoying a cool, refreshing swim. It was a little mirky to say the least and knowing our apartment complex, it probably hadn't been cleaned. I think we lasted for a good 30 minutes. It's was blazing hot so air conditioner sounded a lot better than staring at a bunch of kids play in a pool which I'm sure they had peed in numerous times.
Enough about the pee pool...
We came in and decided on what our 4th of July agenda would be. We decided to go to Grapevine Mills and do a little shopping for my birthday. After, we went to this really great Mexican restaurant called Ezsparza's...very yummy! Then we headed to the lake to chill and wait for the fireworks show to begin. With a route 44 cherry limeade and magazine in hand, we set up our camping chairs and waited for the show to begin. So 9:30 came and it was time for the show. They weren't the best I've seen but I still loved them. As Josh and I were sitting there feeling the cool breeze blow and watching the beautiful fireworks, I thanked the Lord for our good life. I have a great husband that is my best friend! It was one of those good All-American moments, ya know? We had such a good time that day!!!

This morning as I was reading in Acts I came across a passage that really struck me. Peter was up on the rooftop of a friends house in prayer. As he was praying he feel into a trance where he saw a vision. He saw all kinds of animals. The voice told time to get up, kill and eat. Peter responded saying, "I can't eat anything that is unholy and unclean." The voice responded, "What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy." Acts 10:15 This statement really struck a chord in me. When we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are cleansed from ALL unrighteousness. Jesus doesn't look at us with eyes of disgust and judgement but with love and acceptance. So why are we so hard on ourselves and others? I think to many times, we look at ourselves as unholy or inadequate. It firsts has to come to us loving who we are and realizing Christ paid a price for us to be made holy. He made way for us to boldly come before the throne of grace. Once we have this settled in our hearts, then we can begin to love others and view them the way God intended. We are not better than someone else just because we may pray one more time a day than they do or know 500 scriptures. God shows no partiality. You're not determined by your past either. You may have experienced unjust acts or done things that are inappropriate. Once you've repented, they are under the blood and you are clean. What an awesome reality to know we are holy in His sight.


Jenna Cox said...

i love that you blog now... :)