Wednesday, November 5, 2008

On a mission...

I've always been amazed by Paul. First by his amazing transformation from persecutor of Christ to a major spreader of the Gospel. He had a grasp on something that I'm desperately trying to contain. Paul stated in Philippians that he had learned to be content no matter the circumstance. That just boggles my mind. I'm such in a state of dissatisfaction right now with my job. I want my attitude to be good but right now my flesh is winning out. I know that is partly because I'm not spending enough time in prayer and the Word. Just from meditating on the scripture below gives me a sense of hope. See what Paul has to say on the matter...

4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Thanks for Their Gifts 10I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. 11I am not saying this because I am in need,
for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

I think this is going to be my key passage for the next few weeks as I search for my contentment in the midst of my circumstance. I know I will find it - I know it. God is faithful and I must trust Him.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dark office + Slurpee = relaxation.

I really don't know what to write about today. Usually I have something, although I rarely blog these days. I am on my lunch break, drinking a Slurpee (which I spilled everywhere at 711), and sitting in a dark office because it's more relaxing to have the light off. I really wish this could be my office! At work we all sit in this huge room with the exception of a few people that have their own offices. I have had my own office twice before and loved it...the privacy is amazing and knowing that if you want to take a break for a minute and just stare off in to space - you can. Oh well! It's all good.....

This weekend Josh said he's going to take me on a date and it's a surprise - how exciting?? We've been a little strapped for cash the last 2 weeks so we have cut back on spending a lot. I am so thankful though that even in our moments of being "low on cash" we are still abundantly blessed and lack nothing.

I can't believe I couldn't think of anything to write - hello!!! The presidential nomination is today! Who will it be???? I'm going to try and keep up with it all day although it's so confusing with all the super delegates and popular vote. I really would like to know how all that works. I'm not sure if America is ready for the culture shock we're about to have. No matter who wins it's going to mean major change. We could end up with the first black American president or the first woman VP - crazy! Times are changing that's for sure.

Oh - just thought of another thing. We had 2 earthquakes in the DFW area on Sunday at midnight. They weren't really big enough to feel but can you say end time prophecy?? Some people said they heard a loud boom but since I'm a seriously heavy sleeper I heard nothing.

One more random thought...I'm wearing that 12 hour lipstick stuff today and it's really bugging me. Yesterday it did fine as long as I kept the clear gloss on it comes with because this stuff can be rather drying. Today - no go! I'm bummed out too - every woman looks for a lipstick / gloss that can stay on through a long works day's wear and tear. I won't stop until I find it though - that's for sure!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

thank you Gap I mean God

So today didn't start off so great. It wasn't because horrible things happened - it was simply because I chose to not have a good morning. I have found my best "attitude adjustment time" is in the morning on the way to work. Those 30 minutes make or break the day. I can totally decided how my day will go and what my disposition will be. I can't tell you how many times I've blamed a bad attitude on hormones, circumstances, or LIFE. It's sad really. God intended on us to have so much more but we let our choices cheat us out of a joyful life. I'm not saying all this because I've got this whole "choose to have a good attitude" thing down....I'm writing it to convince myself that that's what I know is right!!

I had to get out of the office at lunch so I decided to do something that I knew would cheer me up - shopping! I stopped in Gap to check out some jeans (not thinking that I would find anything because as you ladies know, jean shopping is not always easy). I grabbed 3 pair and to my amazement they all fit wonderfully! Can you even fathom that? I've never had 3 pair in a row fit perfectly. I was totally pumped because I've been wanting a new pair but have totally dreaded the whole looking process. This immediately lifted my spirits.

I sat at my desk later thinking that it took a pair of good fitting jeans to turn my attitude around. Something doesn't sound right. Now, I don't think there is anything wrong with being excited about a good pair of jeans but it shouldn't decide the climate of my day. Knowing that I serve an amazing God that loves me unconditionally should be enough to make everyday great. I am truly blessed and will never have a reason to complain. The fact that my day was so-so was by no fault of anyone else but my own. It was simply due to a knowledge problem. When we fail to know - really know God and who he is in us/for us/through us - we sell ourselves short and settle for an average life that looks no different from the world around us.

Everyday is an opportunity to learn and grow. I pray that what I learned yesterday sticks. :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

moving, babies, and paint...what do they have in common?

What do they have in common you may ask yourself? Well I'll tell you - they all are things that have made up my life for the past few weeks. I haven't written in a while simply because I've been so busy!

We moved on July 19th in to our new apartment in Las Colinas - it's so wonderful! It's in a great area with plenty of stuff to do. It has 5 pools, a 24 hour fitness center, shops galore, and some great trails for walking. Now, don't think I've actually walked the trails yet. It's been a blazing hot summer with days over 100! I'm thinking end of September will be a good time to explore the trails. It's amazing what a new location can do for your attitude. I enjoy coming home everyday! God has really blessed us!
We also decided to paint a wall to add some personality. The colored we used is called "shaded moss". It turned out well!

Now on to babies....
One of my best friends Shana just had a precious little baby boy named Elliott Boss. I actually got to see them both right after delivery - how awesome! It's funny how what you see on TV and what actually happens during birth are two totally different things. I got the low-down from Shana on what really goes on when they say "push!" and boy am I nervous for when it's my turn. Oh well! I still can't wait!
Before seeing Elliott (not sure if it's 2 "L"s or 2 "T"s), I was sort of hoping for a girl first. Now, I would totally be ok with a boy first.

I really need some lotion on my hands and I have to pick Josh up from work but I've got to write all about our one year wedding anniversary that we celebrated on August 4th. It was amazing.

Oh, I really have baby fever. I had it before Shana had her's but after seeing him, I REALLY have it. I will be patient though...maybe. :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

There's nothing like the first s'more....

This past weekend Josh and I went to the lake with our friends Bay and Kari. Despite the 100 degree weather we still had an amazing time. It was complete with grilled hamburgers (my fave), swimming, and Josh's first s'more experience.

We got the lake around 4, got an awesome camp spot, and fired up the grill. It's amazing to me how the wind seemed to pick up about 20 mph once we sat down to eat. Amazing. I'm surprised I even got any food in my mouth with the wind being so strong.

After we ate, it was down to the lake to swim. We played around there for a while and then the guys decided they wanted the rafts I brought. After they got out on the lake they quickly discovered that one had a major leak. Oh well.

Now for the best part of the night - S'MORES!!!!! As we were preparing the s'mores, Josh announced that he had NEVER had a s'more before. How odd???? I can't believe he had missed out on this delicacy for so long. Since we didn't have an open flame we wrapped the s'mores in foil and put them on the grill. We had a few duds but eventually mastered the art of grilling s'mores. They were a hit and of course Josh liked them!

What a great day...

Friday, July 11, 2008

3 weeks and 3 days...

In 3 weeks and 3 days we will celebrate our one year wedding anniversary - August 4th!!!! I cannot believe it. People always say that your first year is the hardest but it hasn't been for us. We've had our fair share of disagreements and of course there has been a lot adjusting but overall it's been great! I feel like we're finally settling in to life.

We decided to celebrate August 4th that we would do a night in a luxury hotel. We will be staying at the Palomar hotel in downtown Dallas. Our room is called the "King Spa Room" complete with a king size bed, spat tub with jets, and 32" plasma TV. Relaxation here we come!!! We'll need it too. Next weekend we move in to a new apartment in Las Colinas. Moving in the middle of summer is not exactely ideal but we are so ready to get out of where we are now. It will be so worth it. Anyways, back on track. Here are a few pics...

Here is a overall view.

Our room will look similar to this.

This is where I'll be for 90% of the time. :)

Yes please!

So, there you have it. One year is looking really good!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A God Moment...

I think one of the most amazing moments you can have in life is when you feel the presence of God enrapture you. It’s like the best hug you’ve ever had times a thousand! You get lost for a minute and forget where you’re at or what’s going on. All your cares melt away and all trouble is gone. It’s pure tranquility.

It’s a God moment.

Today at work I was downloading the music for our Sunday service and I came across the song, “Amazing Grace” as sung by Chris Tomlin. I’ve decided that this will be my life’s anthem. The words are so powerful!! It’s a direct reflection of what is in my heart.

God found us and accepted us in the state we were in. He wiped away the sin to make us holy and clean. We are no longer bound by the “old man” we once were. He paid a ransom for us that purchased our freedom. Grace was extended to us even though we did not deserve it. He took a risk on loving us not knowing if we would ever love Him back. He still saw us as a worthy cause. Thank God his love is limitless and mercy unending.

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, Amazing grace

The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God, Who called me here below
Will be forever mine
Will be forever mine
You are forever mine

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

How Long?

Have you ever wonder how long you’ll be stuck at a job that you don’t enjoy? I do, daily. I’m sure that’s probably not the right attitude but that’s just where I’m at. I know that God sometimes has us in places that don’t make sense to us but fit in the big picture. I’m trusting that’s what this is. I’ve been working at the same company off and on for about 5 years. I am good at what I do and it’s definitely not brain surgery. However, I’m at the point in my life where I need something challenging. I want a position where I can use my gifts and abilities. I know I’m not called to be stuck behind a desk all day where sometimes I make up stuff for myself to do so I won’t be bored.

This morning as I sit and make phone calls, I am struggling just to stay awake. Not my idea of an ideal work environment. Don’t get me wrong, I am very thankful for my job. I have great bosses that are continually trying to give back to the employees for their hard work. When I got in this morning, there was an envelope with a gift card thanking me for pulling double duty while some people were on vacation. How many bosses do that? I shouldn’t complain as much as I do but I just get frustrated. I always tell myself, “I can do anything as long as I know it’s not forever.”

Josh is in school right now so I’m believing that when he gets out he’ll get a kick butt job so I can pursue other things like maybe opening my own accessory store. How crazy and wonderful would that be? Plus, it’s always been my desire to not have to work once we had kids. We’ll see! I’m not going to fret or worry – just trust. I’m doing my part to get my resume together and network with people that I know have connections. I know God will work on my behalf as well.

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Perfect Day!

I had the absolute best birthday ever! The whole weekend was great which made my birthday even better!

My day started off great. I was having a good hair day, make up day, and outfit day. If you're a woman, you know how important that is. You want to feel good on your special day and I felt great. I made some killer coffee and headed off to church. I sing with our church every Sunday so I have to get there at 8 for rehearsal. If you're a singer, you know that early mornings are not always ideal for belting out tunes. I guess I was having a good voice day too because when I got there our leader decided to start off with the special I was singing. I got out the first few words and he stopped the band and me by saying, "Wait a minute. How can you sound that good this early in the morning? We'll have to start again - that through me off." I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. What a compliment!!! The day was getting better and better....

Josh had to play at another church so I had to spend the morning without him. He got a present for me and wanted to give it to me prior to my birthday. I was good for once and opted to wait until "the day". As I drove home I was trying to think of all the things that I thought he would have gotten me....I was way off but in a great way! He got me a gift card to Toni&Guy to get my hair colored. I'm so pumped! I have an appointment on Wednesday after work but I'm still not sure what I'll do. The results will be on a blog to come!

We had been up late the night before so we decided to take a nap so we could be rested up for our dinner at Cheesecake Factory. My mouth was already watering. We got up and left around 6:15. Trying to look cute, I put on these vintage hills that I found at a thrift store. They had no tread on the bottoms which made walking on slippery surfaces next to impossible. The first few steps in to Cheesecake would have been disastrous if it had not been for Josh's arm. Right away it was slippery city so the walk to the table, the bathroom, and then to leave was the hardest workout I've ever done. Our food was amazing and we shared a white chocolate raspberry truffle cheesecake for dessert. Delicious!!! We finished off the evening by going next door to get some magazines at Barnes & Noble.

Overall, I'd give my birthday an A+++

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The weekend wrap up so far....

So it's 9:00 a.m. and I just can't sleep anymore. I try my hardest to sleep in but usually about 8:00 or 8:30 a.m. I wake up. I've never been one of those that could sleep in 'til noon or 1 in the afternoon. I feel like if I'm sleeping, I'm wasting time I could be doing something productive or fun. Now I think if we had a more comfortable bed with huge fluffy pillows and a flat screen, I would probably be more enticed to stay. Oh well!
July 4th was a blast!!! We woke up around 10 a.m., ate some breakfast, and decided to go to the pool for a little bit. We get there take one look at the water and decided we better just sit and imagine what it would be like to be enjoying a cool, refreshing swim. It was a little mirky to say the least and knowing our apartment complex, it probably hadn't been cleaned. I think we lasted for a good 30 minutes. It's was blazing hot so air conditioner sounded a lot better than staring at a bunch of kids play in a pool which I'm sure they had peed in numerous times.
Enough about the pee pool...
We came in and decided on what our 4th of July agenda would be. We decided to go to Grapevine Mills and do a little shopping for my birthday. After, we went to this really great Mexican restaurant called Ezsparza's...very yummy! Then we headed to the lake to chill and wait for the fireworks show to begin. With a route 44 cherry limeade and magazine in hand, we set up our camping chairs and waited for the show to begin. So 9:30 came and it was time for the show. They weren't the best I've seen but I still loved them. As Josh and I were sitting there feeling the cool breeze blow and watching the beautiful fireworks, I thanked the Lord for our good life. I have a great husband that is my best friend! It was one of those good All-American moments, ya know? We had such a good time that day!!!

This morning as I was reading in Acts I came across a passage that really struck me. Peter was up on the rooftop of a friends house in prayer. As he was praying he feel into a trance where he saw a vision. He saw all kinds of animals. The voice told time to get up, kill and eat. Peter responded saying, "I can't eat anything that is unholy and unclean." The voice responded, "What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy." Acts 10:15 This statement really struck a chord in me. When we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are cleansed from ALL unrighteousness. Jesus doesn't look at us with eyes of disgust and judgement but with love and acceptance. So why are we so hard on ourselves and others? I think to many times, we look at ourselves as unholy or inadequate. It firsts has to come to us loving who we are and realizing Christ paid a price for us to be made holy. He made way for us to boldly come before the throne of grace. Once we have this settled in our hearts, then we can begin to love others and view them the way God intended. We are not better than someone else just because we may pray one more time a day than they do or know 500 scriptures. God shows no partiality. You're not determined by your past either. You may have experienced unjust acts or done things that are inappropriate. Once you've repented, they are under the blood and you are clean. What an awesome reality to know we are holy in His sight.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The weekend has started....

Well it 's the fourth of July weekend and I'm am pumped. Partly because Josh and I have a 3 day weekend together. The other part of the "partly" is because Sunday, July 6th is my birthday. I love birthdays!!!! I'm going to be 24 - what a weird age. We haven't got all the plans ironed out for the weekend but fireworks are definitely on the agenda. I've always loved fireworks...there is something about them that is romantic to me.

Tonight we are going to a late movie then IHOP. I'm not normally a late night girl but I'm trying to step out of the box a little bit. Spontaneity makes a marriage fun! Plus, once the kids come going to a spur of the moment movie is out of the question.

Ok, time to go watch Hancock and eat some fattening and wonderful pancakes!!! :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

All about moi!

Here it is, my first official blog. I thought it would be a good idea to list a few things about myself so I stole this great little survey from my friend Jenna's blog. Thanks Jenna! My husband is the one who encouraged me to start writing and I'm glad he did. It's going to be good to get my thoughts here we go!

i got: a Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 from my hubby! My dream came true :) Ha.
i ran: last night on our ghetto apartment treadmills. At one point, I thought it was going to break.
i am: trying to think of all the ways I could answer this question and decide on one.
i think: about Josh all day - he's my favorite.
i forget: Josh's work schedule even if he told me 5 minutes ago...I'm horrible.
i know: who I am in Christ.
i want: a new hair color. I am just never satisfied :)
i have: a very, very, very blessed life. When I watch the news or talk to people less fortunate, it's a good reminder of God's faithfulness and goodness. I enjoy my life - how many people can say that?
i wish: i was more disciplined in eating healthy.
i miss: my friend Jenna! Sometimes you just need a friend who knows you, ya know?
i fear: the internal struggle that takes place when I go to Target and see something I want - do I get it or not??? Life can be hard.
i hear: the song "It Matters to Me" by Faith Hill playing at the girl's desk beside me.
i crave: a fudge brownie and ice cream.
i search: the Internet daily for new make up and hair tips. I'm not superficial - I'm just curious.
i wonder: where we will be in 5, 10, 15, 20 years....
i regret: letting what people think hold me back.
i love: Jesus, Josh, and my cat Dutchess.
i care: way too much about what people think and how I look. I'm working on that though!
i always: wear make up. It's rare to find me without lipstick or mascara...otherwise I'll look like I have the flu. Not good.
i am not: where I want to be yet (in life, my relationship with God) but I'm pressing on...
i believe: in a God that loves me beyond comprehension.
i sing: all the time!
i don’t always: exercise self control when shopping. I've gotten tons better.
i write: down reminders on post-it notes - couldn't function without them.
i win: some.
i lose: some.
i never: have liked mustard. It can ruin a good Sonic burger.
i turned: 23 last year but I'll be 24 in 4 days.
i confuse: numbers sometimes. I'm not dyslexic but I think I try to think to fast sometimes.
i listen: when people speak to me. It's my number one pet peeve when you know that the person you're talking to is not listening or even comprehending what you have to say. So rude.
i can usually be found: at work or at home.
i am scared: of not living up to my potential.
i need: a day at the spa.
i am happy about: being a Mom someday.