Tuesday, September 30, 2008

thank you Gap I mean God

So today didn't start off so great. It wasn't because horrible things happened - it was simply because I chose to not have a good morning. I have found my best "attitude adjustment time" is in the morning on the way to work. Those 30 minutes make or break the day. I can totally decided how my day will go and what my disposition will be. I can't tell you how many times I've blamed a bad attitude on hormones, circumstances, or LIFE. It's sad really. God intended on us to have so much more but we let our choices cheat us out of a joyful life. I'm not saying all this because I've got this whole "choose to have a good attitude" thing down....I'm writing it to convince myself that that's what I know is right!!

I had to get out of the office at lunch so I decided to do something that I knew would cheer me up - shopping! I stopped in Gap to check out some jeans (not thinking that I would find anything because as you ladies know, jean shopping is not always easy). I grabbed 3 pair and to my amazement they all fit wonderfully! Can you even fathom that? I've never had 3 pair in a row fit perfectly. I was totally pumped because I've been wanting a new pair but have totally dreaded the whole looking process. This immediately lifted my spirits.

I sat at my desk later thinking that it took a pair of good fitting jeans to turn my attitude around. Something doesn't sound right. Now, I don't think there is anything wrong with being excited about a good pair of jeans but it shouldn't decide the climate of my day. Knowing that I serve an amazing God that loves me unconditionally should be enough to make everyday great. I am truly blessed and will never have a reason to complain. The fact that my day was so-so was by no fault of anyone else but my own. It was simply due to a knowledge problem. When we fail to know - really know God and who he is in us/for us/through us - we sell ourselves short and settle for an average life that looks no different from the world around us.

Everyday is an opportunity to learn and grow. I pray that what I learned yesterday sticks. :)